Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Whole30-Day 2

First off I just wanted to say forgive my food pictures.  My iPhone is the quickest and easiest way to capture my meals and get them to the blog and if I'm going to be logging everyday I'm going the easy route.  I started this blog for my own logging purposes but if anyone is following along I want it to be beneficial to them as well!  I hope that even though the quality isn't the best it's still better than no pictures!

On to Day 2.  I had a solid night's sleep but I still didn't want to get out of bed on this dreary, rainy morning.  On the upside it's 62° in January so I can't really complain!  As expected I woke up not hungry and when I ate 45 minutes after waking up I still wasn't really hungry at all.  I'm guessing that's how it's going to be for awhile, I'm just going to keep making myself eat within an hour or so of waking up and see what happens!

Today I have to go straight to the gym after work so I've brought along a PaleoKit and some extra veggies for a snack so I'm not dying at the gym.  I realized that the PaleoKit pouches I have are half of the large bag, so only 180 calories and perfect for a little fuel to hold me over. 

Breakfast (6:30am):  2 eggs scrambled with coconut milk in coconut oil, diced yellow bell pepper, and caramelized onions with a little tomato past on top.  1 breakfast sausage patty, 1/4 avocado, 1/2 small sweet potato, and brussels sprouts.
Breakfast Comments:  Even with skipping the mushrooms and adding in a sweet potato, I wasn't all that happy with my breakfast.  I don't know if it's just because I'm not very hungry or because I'm not a fan of my food.  I think it's probably a little of both.  This weekend I'm going to bake up some kind of breakfast casserole and give that a go next week. 

Lunch (11:45am):  Romaine lettuce leaves with homemade mayo, spicy brown mustard, grape tomatoes, and 4 oz. Applegate Farms Oven Roasted Turkey breast (from the deli counter).  Blackberries, 1/4 avocado, carrots and celery.

Lunch Comments:  Same as yesterday except the fruit, nothing too exciting, but it's a satisfying meal and I'm happy sticking with what I like!

Snack:  Steve's Grass-fed PaleoKit, loose pack.  I brought the carrots and celery along but only ended up eating the PaleoKit.
Dinner:  Bowl of Well Fed Chocolate Chili with 1/2 avocado.  Side salad dressed with a little red wine vinegar and avocado oil.

Dinner Comments:  I was so hungry after my workout that I dug in before snapping a picture!  This chili is definitely tastier after hanging out for a day, the flavors are awesome!  I'll be honest, even though I know that the fats I'm eating are good for me, I'm always afraid I'm eating too much.  I'm not really even fat-phobic but I guess old habits die hard!  Since the beef I used for the chili was grass fed (Trader Joe's brand), I didn't drain the fat so hopefully I didn't have too much fat in this meal!

Sleep:  8 hours
Exercise: 30 minute training session at Kru Strength + Fitness.  My trainer Alex is pretty awesome, check out his blog The Strength Game if you're looking for workout/nutrition tips along with a good sense of humor.  I struggled through this workout because I was so sore from yesterday's Body R&D session.  I was going to go back to Body R&D tomorrow but I might have to give it another day!

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