Friday, February 22, 2013

Whole30-Day 25

I have a confession to make. I knew this about a week ago, but Wednesday was my last official consecutive day of Whole 30. I basically did a Whole 24 1/2. Last night (Thursday) I had friends coming into town and along with them, Mike, and my mom we went out to eat and we went to see The Book of Mormon. At first I thought I would just stick with my W30, but then I found out we have a CF mixer on Saturday. Sure, I could've kept with it, it was only a few more days, but I really felt like I had gotten what I set out to achieve with the challenge and I wanted to celebrate being done with my on-ramp and seeing old friends-and making new ones!

I plan on eating W30 compliant as much as I possibly can, with my wedding coming up in June I need to keep it together! But, if something comes up every now and then and I eat a few non-compliant things, I'm not going to stress about it. I'm sure there will be many W30s in my future (maybe someday I'll make the whole 30 days ;) ). I gained insight into my eating habits and learned a ton. I learned how to correctly portion meals so I'm satisfied and don't have the need to snack throughout the day. I learned how crappy and bloated I felt before the W30 but I didn't really notice it because it was just normal to me. I felt energetic and for once in control of my eating and appetite. I found new recipes that I love and I got back to cooking a lot more. It was awesome and I'm glad I have this record to come back to. I plan on continuing to post my meals as much as possible, obviously not all will be W30 but keeping a log has been fun and I want to try and keep it going.

Breakfast (8:15am): 3 eggs scrambled with ghee and Practical Paleo pesto, broccoli.
Breakfast Comments: Quite the green breakfast day today. I'm running low on food, guess I didn't prep quite enough last weekend, so I'm clearing out my fridge for the week.

Lunch (12pm): Whole Foods salad bar-Romaine, shredded chicken, a variety of veggies, walnuts, and Well Fed Creamy Italian. Blood orange and grapefruit La Croix.
Lunch Comments: So I kind of ran short on food this week so today it was salad bar for me. This was a nice big filling salad w/ my fav-a blood orange-to finish it off!

Dinner (5:30pm):  Dinner at Chicago q. My first non-W30 meal after 24 days.  A champagne cocktail with blood orange juice and pomegranate. Sliced brisket was my main and I had a few bites of sides-bread & butter pickles, homemade potato chips, corn bread, a few bites of Mike's kobe ribs and mashed potatoes, brussels sprouts.  Followed with a few bites of a couple desserts-carrot cake and homemade brittle covered espresso ice cream.  

Sleep:  6.5 hrs
Exercise:  None

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