Sunday, February 3, 2013

Whole30-Day 7

Last day of Week 1 and the weekend was nowhere near as difficult as I imagined!  We live in Chicago and I write a lifestyle blog ( so I love going out and trying new restaurants to write about.  We don't really eat out that much during the week but on the weekends we'll usually have a few meals out-and I usually overeat when we do.  I don't know if I'll be able to go the whole month without eating out at all, but if I do I'll have to be picky and find W30-compliant menu options.  I think that once my W30 is over I'll eat out and eat some non-Paleo things here and there, but I'm hoping that I  will be much smarter about my choices and portion sizes when I do.

I stayed away from Superbowl parties because I worried I would be too tempted and feel a little awkward not eating or drinking.  I think I would've been ok but I'm glad I spared myself the struggle.

Breakfast (10:45am):  Breakfast casserole, W30-compliant ketchup (only ~1tbsp)

Breakfast Comments:  I slept until a little after 9a today and didn't eat until about 1.5hrs later.  I made a breakfast casserole and it took longer than anticipated-but it was delicious!  I plan on making one again next week and I'll be posting the recipe.  Right before I ate I started feeling a little nauseous, I don't know if it was because I had waited so long to eat or what, but figured I'd write it down in case it happens again and I can see a pattern.  I ate a little less than the normal meal template since I was eating so late-I probably need to add some more veggies and a little more fat for a full breakfast.  Hopefully that doesn't throw me off too much.  Next time I make this I'll probably try to prep everything the day before so  I just have to bake it in the morning.  

Lunch (2:30pm):  Bowl of beef stew.

Lunch Comments:  Leftover stew from yesterday, I made quite a bit so you'll be seeing it pop up pretty regularly this week.  The soup solidified in the refrigerator and it let me see that there was a bit more fat than I had thought, so just a big bowl and that was my meal.

Dinner (6:30p):  Red leaf lettuce, crockpot shredded chicken, 1/4 avocado, diced bell pepper, small drizzle of Well Fed Creamy Italian Dressing.

Dinner Comments:  Made a fresh batch of my crockpot chicken breasts + salsa today, so there will be a few more meals looking like this one this week.

Sleep:  10 hours-I slept a lot but it wasn't the best sleep.  I woke up a couple times during the night and had to get back to sleep.
Exercise:  None, but I did do a little foam rolling on my legs and my mobility homework from CrossFit.

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