Saturday, February 9, 2013

Whole30-Day 13

Today I went and tried on and picked up my wedding dress!  I still need to get it altered closer to the big day but the dress is here and I didn't want to take it off!  June 22 can't get here soon enough!

Breakfast (9:15am):  2 eggs fried in ghee and topped with Frank's, 1/4 avocado, fried tomato, sweet potato hash.
Breakfast Comments:  Solid breakfast, no complaints!

Lunch (2pm):  PaleoKit, cucumbers, Well Fed Creamy Italian
Lunch Comments:  This was a quickie lunch that I grabbed on the way out the door.  I had to run home from CrossFit, shower, and head off to pick up my wedding dress!  I had a feeling my mom wanted to get dinner after the dress outing so even though this wasn't an ideal meal, it's what worked for me today.

Dinner(5:30pm):  Iceberg side salad with cucumbers, grape tomato, balsamic vinegar.  Salmon and steamed veggies.
Dinner Comments:  After last night I didn't think I'd be going out for dinner again so soon but things happen and I couldn't exactly say no to my mom :)  We went to an Italian restaurant which I was a little nervous about, but from my past experience I knew that they usually have non-pasta dishes that I would be able to work with.  I got a side salad with plain balsamic vinegar and then asked for plain, broiled salmon with no oil or anything and plain, steamed vegetables.

It was super tough when we first got there because everything smelled delicious, there was a bread basket on the table, everyone else was having wine, the table next to us had an outrageously awesome looking pizza, and everyone at my table was ordering jumbo pasta dishes.  I wanted so badly to say "just this one meal" but I stuck with it and of course in the end I'm glad I did.  Once the food came I was totally fine-my salmon was delicious and I was totally satisfied.  As hard as it is, I think that I just need to keep going out and making smart choices like this one and *hopefully* it will get easier each time.

Sleep:  9 hours-yay weekends!
Exercise:  Crossfit!  WOD after our skills was a 7 minute AMRAP-<7 hanging power cleans (I think!), 7 push-ups, 7 bar hops>.  I got 4 rounds + 7 reps with 10lbs on each side of my bar.  It was tough (from the cardio perspective), but I love cleans and deadlifts so I'm looking forward to improving on this one!

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